Volunteer with us!
Throughout the year we need help - from donations to parent's time - to make our events successful. Click HERE to select which committees you'd be interested in helping.
Checking the box will put you on the email distribution for each committee so you will know when help is needed.
Lunchroom Aides
Help out kids with opening their lunch items, teachers assigned to lunch duty, building staff and enjoy seeing your children - all at the same time. Sign up HERE.
Library Volunteers
The library is looking for volunteers who can help weekly, or biweekly. Our priority is to have volunteers help out in the afternoon, from 1:30-3:30.
Library volunteers use the computer to help students check-in, check-out and find books in the library, as well as accurately sort and shelve books both alphabetically and numerically. There is a lot of interaction and communication with our students. Some training is required before signing up. Volunteering in our library is a fun way to see the students in action!
If you are interested in volunteering contact our library aide, Casey Hendricks, Hendricks_casey@dublinschools.net to set up an orientation.
ALL VOLUNTEERS THAT WILL BE IN THE SCHOOL OR GO ON FIELD TRIPS MUST HAVE A CURRENT BACKGROUND CHECK ON FILE: Dublin City Schools - Secure Volunteer. Questions? Please contact Gilda Anderson anderson_gilda@dublinschools.net. 2340 F8 Responsibilities of Trip Chaperones